Basketball Wives Finale: Jennifer Becomes the "Non-Factor" in Tahiti, Royce & Tami's Friendship May Be Over and Shaunie is Fed Up
This week on the finale of Basketball Wives...
Jennifer walks away from Evelyn in thinking she just wants to start drama. Shaunie goes to Jennifer's hut and tells her she needs to stop tweeting things that could possibly be taken out of context.
Shaunie is tired of them fighting, she's tired of the twitter, blogs and the interviews. She's tired of being the mediator and asking everyone to act like adults.
*** Basketball Wives is renewed for another season!
Related Post: Tami Visits the Wendy Williams Show and Talks About Basketball Wives Drama
Jennifer says she never addresses Evelyn on Twitter and she's over the tit for tat.
"... listen, we can throw dirt all day long, but you don't want to do that. I'm not perfect and b*tch you're not perfect either," Jennifer says about Evelyn.
Evelyn cries because she really just wanted to sit down and have a conversation with Jennifer. Evelyn said she got emotional because it's sad for someone she loved and cared about so much to hurt her like that.
She doesn't think Jennifer should have commented on her relationship and thinks Jennifer is doing it all for fame, to keep her name out there and keep herself relevant.
"I think the rest of the trip will be okay if Jennifer sits in her room."
Kenya says, "I have a feeling that this is gonna get uglier."
Suzie is back after resting, she got bit on her eyelid by some mosquito on the island. She meets up with Shaunie, Tami and Evelyn for dinner and of course they catch Suzie up on the drama.
"At this point I'm really not sure why Jen came on the trip, she's really not talking to anybody. She's still cool with Shaunie and Tami and I and it just sucks that she's not coming out to hang out with us," Suzie said.
Suzie also said, "how come Kenya didn't smell the fish yet?" And everyone laughs about it.
Later on, as the ladies are chilling out on the sand, a bird flies by and sh*ts on Tami.
"I've never been sh*tted on my entire life," she said. Lol.
As the ladies are laughing, Jennifer comes out of her room, walks over to them and sits next to Evelyn.
"You definitely can cut the tension with a knife," Evelyn said.
Evelyn says Jennifer never takes responsibility for the things she's done and said she always acts like she doesn't know what is going on.
"Stop running your mouth and stop fronting like your so hard," Evelyn said.
I think Jennifer needs to be quite and then she wouldn't have the problems that she has today."
She calls Jennifer out on doing interviews and talking sh*t. Evelyn said after Jennifer got smacked, she had the nerve to do another interview.
Jennifer denied doing the interview and then Tami interjects and said she knows the person who interviewed Jennifer, her name is Jaime Foster Brown who owns Sister to Sister magazine and Tami has the whole transcript of the interview.
Jennifer claims that wasn't an interview and Jaime is lying.
Evelyn puts Jennifer on blast and said she knows the real deal and Suzie knows the real deal because she was there.
Uh oh. There's something Jennifer is hiding...something happened in Vegas.
Jennifer said she's not worried and brought up her ex-husband Eric and said they weren't having sex for a couple of years.
"You do what you gotta do and I do what I gotta do. I'm not worried about your vagina, I'm worried about mine," Jennifer tells Evelyn.
Evelyn responds back, "Actually you're not because dude in Vegas... you f*cked him with no f*cking condom."
"Listen I'm not pregnant and I don' have no STD's...," Jennifer said.
"We all have skeletons, your a** got a f*ckin' cemetary so leave me alone."
Tami speaks out about Jennifer staying in her room the whole time and not taking responsibility for her actions. Evelyn tells Jennifer a lot of people can't stand her and says she has no loyalty to anybody.
Everybody said what they needed to say and the conversation, of course, ends on a bad note.
"Reality is you are the new non-mothaf*ckin' factor here," Evelyn tells Jennifer.
Evelyn said she's glad the truth is out and that they're not going to be friends. She rather not have Jennifer in her circle or in her world.
Conversation over.
Jennifer realizes nothing will get repaired or resolved and she leaves the island a little early and Kenya decides to leave with her.
Jennifer said, "I came to the girls trip because it's a tradition and that's something we always do but I don't really revolve my world around whats going on with this bunch of women. I have other sh*t going on, I want to step outside of it and do other things."
Later on, as the ladies are having their final dinner, Suzie lets everyone know that while she was in the pool earlier, she saw Jennifer and Kenya leave.
"Well shots to that," Evelyn says.
Tami said Jennifer surprised her on the trip and now that she just bounced, she doesn't have a lot of respect for her anymore.
Evelyn passes out gifts to the lady, a makeup pallet from her new makeup line "E" and she writes the ladies personalized notes.
When the ladies get back home to Miami, Tami and Royce meet up to discuss the vacation drama with Kesha.
"You're so easy to see what I did, you need to see what the f*ck she did," Tami said.
When Kesha arrived home, she met up with Royce and already told her what went down between her and Tami and the purse incident.
After hearing her story, Royce said to Kesha previously "That's my girl and I can't defend her right now and I'm not gonna try. I love Tami but she's wrong."
Props to Royce for being the only one to have the balls and say Tami was wrong. Evelyn and Shaunie couldn't do that and they watched the whole argument unfold.
Tami said she's pissed off again because Kesha is running away with it. She also thinks Royce over stepped her boundaries and said Royce didn't act like a friend during their conversation.
"That's your pitiful a** friend," Tami tells Royce.
"From my standpoint Royce and I are gonna agree to disagree or we're not gonna be friends anymore. I don't have time to have a friend of mine chastise me and try to dictate to me what I should be saying and not acknowledging what the other person is doing in this."
Towards the end of the episode, the ladies get together for a very small group dinner; only Tami, Evelyn, Shaunie and Suzie were in attendance. Their circle has fallen apart.
Evelyn says she doesn't want kids as much anymore. She feels like being pregnant will slow her down. And Tami has been thinking about moving back to Los Angeles permanently.
She also says, "f*ck Royce" because she was not their during her and Kesha's drama in Tahiti and feels like Royce should remain neutral.
"I don't know, me and Royce... it might be the end of our friendship because I just don't appreciate how things went down."
It's also clear that Jennifer and Evelyn's 14-year-friendship is now destroyed.
All the ladies are going through different points in their lives and Shaunie said nothing will be the same.
Shaunie said she's very drama free and the group has now taken a turn. She doesn't know what to do at this point so she talks to her Pastor about all the cattiness that has been happening.
Mind you, Shaunie created the whole Basketball Wives show, but this is not how she wanted things to turn out.
She said the ladies will rather take their energy and bicker, fight and curse each other out rather than having a good time.
"What I don't understand is why we can't pick up the phone and talk or sit down and talk. Why do we have to tweet, blog and go to magazines and talk about each other. That is extremely frustrating to me."
Her Pastor asks is this worth walking away from all the women and Shaunie said she's considered walking away from her friends and love the ladies from a distance.
She said because of the situations going on, all of her friendships are changing. She goes into business meetings and wonders if people think she's a "ghetto hot mess" because of all the drama on the show.
Shaunie doesn't want to lose her friendship with any of her friends but she now has to think about her image and whether or not her friends are worth it.
The reunion Part I airs June 4th on VH1.
What did you think of the Basketball Wive's finale?
Jennifer walks away from Evelyn in thinking she just wants to start drama. Shaunie goes to Jennifer's hut and tells her she needs to stop tweeting things that could possibly be taken out of context.
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All photos via: VH1 Blog |
*** Basketball Wives is renewed for another season!
Related Post: Tami Visits the Wendy Williams Show and Talks About Basketball Wives Drama
Jennifer says she never addresses Evelyn on Twitter and she's over the tit for tat.
"... listen, we can throw dirt all day long, but you don't want to do that. I'm not perfect and b*tch you're not perfect either," Jennifer says about Evelyn.
Evelyn cries because she really just wanted to sit down and have a conversation with Jennifer. Evelyn said she got emotional because it's sad for someone she loved and cared about so much to hurt her like that.
She doesn't think Jennifer should have commented on her relationship and thinks Jennifer is doing it all for fame, to keep her name out there and keep herself relevant.
"I think the rest of the trip will be okay if Jennifer sits in her room."
Kenya says, "I have a feeling that this is gonna get uglier."
Suzie is back after resting, she got bit on her eyelid by some mosquito on the island. She meets up with Shaunie, Tami and Evelyn for dinner and of course they catch Suzie up on the drama.
"At this point I'm really not sure why Jen came on the trip, she's really not talking to anybody. She's still cool with Shaunie and Tami and I and it just sucks that she's not coming out to hang out with us," Suzie said.
Suzie also said, "how come Kenya didn't smell the fish yet?" And everyone laughs about it.
Later on, as the ladies are chilling out on the sand, a bird flies by and sh*ts on Tami.
"I've never been sh*tted on my entire life," she said. Lol.
As the ladies are laughing, Jennifer comes out of her room, walks over to them and sits next to Evelyn.
"You definitely can cut the tension with a knife," Evelyn said.
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"Stop running your mouth and stop fronting like your so hard," Evelyn said.
I think Jennifer needs to be quite and then she wouldn't have the problems that she has today."
She calls Jennifer out on doing interviews and talking sh*t. Evelyn said after Jennifer got smacked, she had the nerve to do another interview.
Jennifer denied doing the interview and then Tami interjects and said she knows the person who interviewed Jennifer, her name is Jaime Foster Brown who owns Sister to Sister magazine and Tami has the whole transcript of the interview.
Jennifer claims that wasn't an interview and Jaime is lying.
Evelyn puts Jennifer on blast and said she knows the real deal and Suzie knows the real deal because she was there.
Uh oh. There's something Jennifer is hiding...something happened in Vegas.
Jennifer said she's not worried and brought up her ex-husband Eric and said they weren't having sex for a couple of years.
"You do what you gotta do and I do what I gotta do. I'm not worried about your vagina, I'm worried about mine," Jennifer tells Evelyn.
Evelyn responds back, "Actually you're not because dude in Vegas... you f*cked him with no f*cking condom."
"Listen I'm not pregnant and I don' have no STD's...," Jennifer said.
"We all have skeletons, your a** got a f*ckin' cemetary so leave me alone."
Tami speaks out about Jennifer staying in her room the whole time and not taking responsibility for her actions. Evelyn tells Jennifer a lot of people can't stand her and says she has no loyalty to anybody.
Everybody said what they needed to say and the conversation, of course, ends on a bad note.
"Reality is you are the new non-mothaf*ckin' factor here," Evelyn tells Jennifer.
Evelyn said she's glad the truth is out and that they're not going to be friends. She rather not have Jennifer in her circle or in her world.
Conversation over.
Jennifer realizes nothing will get repaired or resolved and she leaves the island a little early and Kenya decides to leave with her.
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Later on, as the ladies are having their final dinner, Suzie lets everyone know that while she was in the pool earlier, she saw Jennifer and Kenya leave.
"Well shots to that," Evelyn says.
Tami said Jennifer surprised her on the trip and now that she just bounced, she doesn't have a lot of respect for her anymore.
Evelyn passes out gifts to the lady, a makeup pallet from her new makeup line "E" and she writes the ladies personalized notes.
When the ladies get back home to Miami, Tami and Royce meet up to discuss the vacation drama with Kesha.
"You're so easy to see what I did, you need to see what the f*ck she did," Tami said.
When Kesha arrived home, she met up with Royce and already told her what went down between her and Tami and the purse incident.
After hearing her story, Royce said to Kesha previously "That's my girl and I can't defend her right now and I'm not gonna try. I love Tami but she's wrong."
Props to Royce for being the only one to have the balls and say Tami was wrong. Evelyn and Shaunie couldn't do that and they watched the whole argument unfold.
Tami said she's pissed off again because Kesha is running away with it. She also thinks Royce over stepped her boundaries and said Royce didn't act like a friend during their conversation.
"That's your pitiful a** friend," Tami tells Royce.
"From my standpoint Royce and I are gonna agree to disagree or we're not gonna be friends anymore. I don't have time to have a friend of mine chastise me and try to dictate to me what I should be saying and not acknowledging what the other person is doing in this."
Towards the end of the episode, the ladies get together for a very small group dinner; only Tami, Evelyn, Shaunie and Suzie were in attendance. Their circle has fallen apart.
Evelyn says she doesn't want kids as much anymore. She feels like being pregnant will slow her down. And Tami has been thinking about moving back to Los Angeles permanently.

"I don't know, me and Royce... it might be the end of our friendship because I just don't appreciate how things went down."
It's also clear that Jennifer and Evelyn's 14-year-friendship is now destroyed.
All the ladies are going through different points in their lives and Shaunie said nothing will be the same.
Shaunie said she's very drama free and the group has now taken a turn. She doesn't know what to do at this point so she talks to her Pastor about all the cattiness that has been happening.
Mind you, Shaunie created the whole Basketball Wives show, but this is not how she wanted things to turn out.
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"What I don't understand is why we can't pick up the phone and talk or sit down and talk. Why do we have to tweet, blog and go to magazines and talk about each other. That is extremely frustrating to me."
Her Pastor asks is this worth walking away from all the women and Shaunie said she's considered walking away from her friends and love the ladies from a distance.
She said because of the situations going on, all of her friendships are changing. She goes into business meetings and wonders if people think she's a "ghetto hot mess" because of all the drama on the show.
Shaunie doesn't want to lose her friendship with any of her friends but she now has to think about her image and whether or not her friends are worth it.
The reunion Part I airs June 4th on VH1.
What did you think of the Basketball Wive's finale?
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