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Kourtney & Kim Take New York: Now We See the Start of Kim Doubting Her Marriage

Kim is mad about finding out through Twitter that her at-the-time hubby Kris Humphries, left the country and went to Toronto with Scott, who is basically Kourtney's little b*tch.

And Kris merely responded to Kim, "well don't look through my Twitter." 

Later on in the next episode, we see Kim in Dubai with her mother, Kris Jenner. Kim said she needed to get away, more so away from her husband.

After their Dubai trip, Kris Jenner asked Kim if she is excited to get home to her hubby and Kim answered, "not really, I feel a sense of relief that I'm here. There's something in my relationship that I feel isn't right."

She continues to say, "I'm learning a lot of things that I didn't know about him, that I didn't really know before and I dunno, married life isn't what I thought it would be with him."

Kim asked her mom if these feelings are normal. Her mother said no it's not normal because this is the stage in a married couples relationship when they should be so into each other that they're obsessed with one another.

"I've had an amazing calmness and relief since I've been in Dubai..." Kim tells her mom and her feelings are starting to worry her.

On the next episode, Kim admits to her sister Khloe that her heart is telling her she married too fast (uhh, ya think?) and Kim doesn't seem happy anymore.

Here we go! Now we're seeing a glimpse into their marriage and what led to the divorce. There were so many signs too: Kim not wanting to change her last name right from the jump, Kris acting so immature, Kris and Kim living miles away from each other when they first got married, Kim changing her mind and not wanting to have kids many contributing factors.

I always thought Kim felt the pressure of finally settling down with a boyfriend because Khloe is married and some of her friends are married, so Kim probably just wanted the large, fab wedding as well.
