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Bad Girls Club: Nikki-The New Outcast

Nikki and Lauren's relationship finally self destructs, Char is happy and Lauren joins the other girls as they go on a trip to Mexico. Lauren finally see's how annoying Nikki is and feels she constantly gets picked on by her. Lauren says she's done with her and Nikki calls Lauren "weak sauce".

"Don't talk shit about me when I can hear you and then turn around and try to be nice to me because I don't f*ck around like that. Have fun by your f*ck!ng self," Lauren says to her.

"I don't need a posse to feel good about myself, I work alone," Nikki says as the girls give her the silent treatment to make her feel left out. Nikki then starts to look like she wants any kind of attention and decides to call it truths with Char! Who would think they would be cool? Will these two team up and be house besties now?

Char is playing all these chicks, getting everyone to fight her battles and she talks so much crap in the confessionals. 

"Thats what the kings and the queens do, they let their mighty servants do their dirty work," she says.

And is it just me or when Nikki makes out with dudes it looks gross.

Nikki then draws up some "liquid courage", as the girls would say, and after a night of partying by herself she comes home and starts with Wilmarie again yelling "replacement".

She then decides to go in Wilmarie's room and yanks off her comforter and sheets.

"I'm gonna leave in handcuffs and she's gonna leave in an ambulance," Wilmarie says.

Yeahhhh get her! I'm even getting sick of Nikki.

Round 1 in the limo

Round 2!

A fight starts between Wilmarie and Nikki towards the end but of course will leak over into next weeks episode so we don't see who finishes it. It looks like Wilmarie "wangs" her, as Jessica would say, lol.
